Monday, 3 October 2016

Why apple removed the headphone jack to make money.

Why Apple did kill the headphone jack?
Headphone jack was used to be a game changer for smartphones. Many companies such apple, Samsung, LG, OPPO and other smartphones have taken a big advantage from the headphone jack but one of them wanted to earn that it was not doing “APPLE”. Yes, apple.
Apple is the company greediest for money. Apple wanted to make money any way but jack was not able to make money for them. Apple designed their port that was different from all others so if any product that should be used for apple iPhone it must be designed to connect with their port that is why the headphone jack is gone.
Apple wants to make money out of their specially designed lightning port. If any product is designed for the IPhone 7 and so on. It should be made to attach via lightning port and for the using the lightning port I must pay apple for it.
According to the estimate of Wikipedia it is about 10% but according to other Chinese Companies for a single flat cable about $550 is paid to apple and then the product will be available to customers for about $650 to $700 or more. For example if I make anything that uses the lightening port of apple I have to pay them $550 for my each product.
But the fact is Apple is doing business and everything fair in business. They made the port they should be paid for their usage. NICE GOING APPLE.


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